Here is an issue I would like to bring up for the consideration of all my fellows. It is the State Central Committee, its function and membership to that body. I think this is an extremely important area that must not be ignored, or we will not go far in our Political Revolution.
I attended last years SCC meeting here in Albuquerque. At that meeting the most notable thing to me was the endorsement of Hillary Clinton for nomination as candidate for President. On April 23rd there will be this years meeting and I plan on attending again.
Getting to the point, at that last meeting everyone cheered for Hillary Clinton, and so did I. A lot of water has gone under the bridge for me, and I would imagine for a lot of the SCC members who were in attendance that day. The political scenery has changed radically in the last 12 months. With the rise of the Political Revolution of Bernie Sanders, and the threat imposed by the fascist Trump, I'm sure a lot of people have been and are rethinking their position. I know I sure have.
At the next SCC meeting there will be a gathering of members who will now be a mix of Bernie supporters, and Hillary supporters. I don't want to venture a guess as to the ratio of the mix, but we know what the mix looked like at the Pre-Primary convention.
Each faction will be fighting and arguing for their agenda. The SCC and its members set the course for the direction of the Democratic Party in our state. We must fill that membership with like minded individuals. Then we can set the agenda, and get this revolution to start producing fruit. Just like all the offices of government, we have to purge them of undesirable elements, and replace them with like minded progressives and Democratic Socialists.
We have to plan to take control of all of these positions of power. So the first thing we must do is attend the ward meetings. We must get our people elected as ward chairs and precinct chairs. Then about a month later there will be a meeting to elect a County Chair, two Vice Chairs and well over 100 members to represent Bernalillo County on the State Central Committee. If we can take control of all, or a majority of the County Central Committees in New Mexico by electing our people to chair wards and precincts, we will have total control of the Democratic Party of New Mexico.
We will have to wait until February 2017 to elect as ward chairs and precinct chairs our people, thus starting the peaceful, political coup d'étate.
What is the function of the State Central Committee?
1. They can change the rules for the DPNM. "These rules may also be amended by a two- -thirds (2/3) vote of all the members of the State Central Committee who vote on the amendment at a meeting that has as one of its purposes amendments to rules."RULE 4. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE
4--1. Powers and Authority.
A. General The State Central Committee is the supreme governing body of the DPNM when regularly convened in the absence of a convention in session. It shall have general supervision and control of the political affairs of the party. Members of the State Central Committee shall serve as automatic delegates to all State Conventions, in addition to those state delegates duly elected at the County Conventions, unless prohibited by the rules of the Democratic Party of the United States.
B. Financing The policy of the DPNM is that its business shall be financed primarily by contributions from each of its individual members as their means allow. The State Central Committee has the responsibility of fulfilling that policy by maintaining a systematic program for soliciting and collecting such contributions. It shall have the authority for appropriation of state party funds.
C. Assessments The State Central Committee shall have the authority to levy dues or assessments upon the various recognized party organizations (Rule 24--1) on an equitable basis proportional to the representation such organizations have on the State Central Committee.
"4--2. Members The State Central Committee shall be composed of the following:
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