Friday, March 18, 2016

Do your job McConnell and you jerk wad Republicans, or get the hell out

I wish the Republican party would quit treating the people as if they all were morons.

It is as plane as the nose on our faces why the GOP will not do their job when it comes to SCOTUS nomination by Obama. The reasons are twofold, the way I see things.

First off,and to get the most obvious out of the way, the GOP doesn't believe any person is qualified to be in the White House unless they are a man, and white. So for the last 7 years they have done everything in their power to make impotent, and to delegitimize Obama's Presidency. They want to make his Presidency a non-Presidency.

RNC Rules: Insiders Speak Out on Contested Convention

The second reason is they hope that one of their Republican, white, male, bigot, sexist, fundamentalist Christian, corporatist, war monger, elitist, Plutocratic, Oligarchy loving, thralls (not Trump) get the white house so that the creeps can install yet another white, male, bigot, sexist, fundamentalist Christian, corporatist, war monger, elitist, Plutocratic, Oligarchy loving, thrall for a Supreme Court Justice, and further their anti-Democratic, anti-Liberty, anti-Freedom, anti-Environment, anti-everything that is good, policy.

Sorry for that run on sentence. It couldn't be avoided. Just like WWIII if Trump gets elected, or Wall Street favors if Hillary is elected.

Now let's disband and outlaw the Republican Party, and arrest the traitors within. Do your job McConnell and you jerk wad Republicans, or get the hell out.

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