Friday, December 15, 2017

The 21st Century Gilded Age Rotten to the Core

The #1 problem in this nation is unbridled greed. #2 problem is the religious right. FOX News is merely cashing in on the opportunity created by the right wing radicals to sate their greed.

Bernstein: Fox News hosts are abetting a cover-up

How did those problems arise in the first place? The Capitalistic system we live under fosters the greed by pushing mindless consumerism. They use religion as a tool to help protect their interests. "Christmas in July" anybody? "Christmas holiday rush" anybody? Those things and other things like them are part of the method.

I find it interesting that people are falling in line year after year. People whose ancestors were enslaved partially by using religion as a tool to enslave them. I'm not just talking about the ancestors of African slaves either. I'm talking about pretty much all ethnic groups in America, including so called "white people".

That's why I advocate strongly that we all get in touch with our real cultural heritage, which was not for the majority born in the middle east. Take myself for instance. My ancestors were Celtic Scots. That is the heritage I give homage too. I don't believe in their gods, but I am trying to gain back the heritage stolen from me by the Romans and Christian conversion.

Funny how one can scratch the gilded surface of the society society we live in and find it is all built upon lie after lie. All of the lies an effort to control you and me, in the service of greed and plutocracy.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Ousting Corrupt Politicians for Political Gain is as Wrong Minded as Keeping Them

It bothers me when I hear things like the paragraph I pasted below and "...democrats' search for payoff from lawmaker purge...". Yesterday when watching Al Franken's speech I thought to myself, "The Democratic Party shouldn't only be forcing senators out for some kind of political gain. They should only do it because it is the right thing to do." No party should be trying to clean up their act because they think they'll gain politically. The only reason they should clean up their party is because it would be in the best interests of the people they serve. Otherwise, with statements like the ones I've mentioned, they fall into the danger of the public perception being that if they thought there were no political gain, they wouldn't do it.

CNN: Trump rally first test in Democrats' search for payoff from lawmaker purge

I seen several Democratic lawmakers at first come out with weak statements regarding Franken, only to turn up the volume later. Franken was an effective and strong personality on capitol hill. He was an effective player sitting on committees, like the Russian probe, who asked pointed questions. My thoughts were that his powerful committee seat was one of the reasons Democrats came out weak at first. Again, that would be kind of an unsavory reason to not come out stronger.

I'm getting kind of tired of politicians laying to the side that which is right in the name of political expediency. I expect a higher morality than that from our lawmakers. What else are they turning a blind eye to? What other crimes past and present are our leaders ignoring in an effort to gain the upper hand. It is exactly that kind of thing that got us a self confessed sex offender like #ImmoralTrump in the White House.

If they would do that which is right. If only they would do it even though they thought it may hurt, the rewards would come on their own accord. If not politically, morally, because no one would be able to rightfully point an accusing finger. No one would be able to say, "The Democratic Party has a long way to go before the people can say that it is an uncorrupted political party."

The GOPs damaged party may never be able to recover. There is still hope that the Democratic party may fully regain trust. Ousting their own for lawlessness is a good start, but only if it is done for the right reasons.
CNN: "The sweeping away of Sen. Al Franken and Rep. John Conyers this week after claims of inappropriate behavior against them cleared the way for Democrats to argue that their party takes the #MeToo movement seriously, and to charge that the GOP offers a haven to alleged perpetrators."

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Gop Tax Scam, Real People & Fake People

I remember when Mitt Romney stood before a crowd of people and claimed that "corporations are people". Citizens United is based on that bogus premise. Teachers, firefighters and others are also people, but yet this #GOPTaxScam has made two kinds of people. One type, who are actual people who do not get the same kind of privileges as the other type of people, who are in reality legal constructs and thus not flesh and blood people. The fictitious people gets to write off pencils and shiping factories to economic rivals, but real people get to write off jack squat.

I'm starting to get pissed off here. I'm starting to lose it. What are we, on Bizarro World? Has someone invented a time machine and caused some kind of weird "Biff Tannen" timeline of corruption? I'm wondering if the GOP has all gone insane because no sane person could sit with a straight face and believe this is equality.

I'm wondering what kind of jackass comes up with this bogus crap! I wonder if they are even loyal to the United States? What they are doing undermines the stability of our nation in the long run. Why don't we all just move to China right now so we can have a job. The real people have about run out of patience with the plutocrats.

If it isn't alive, with flesh and blood flowing through real veins, it isn't a person. No fake person (corporation) should get special treatment when it comes to taxes. They have gone too damn far. Throw the plutocrats all out of OUR government. They are not worthy of service to the real flesh and blood people.