Friday, April 29, 2016

Secular Humanist are the Standard Bearer of Morality

By James Parks:

It seems that the Secular Humanist are the standard bearers of morality today. I'm not saying Secular Humanist's are all perfect lil-angels who never did anything wrong, but you don't see them try to justify criminal behavior with a myth.

Some people try to twist the truth and say that the Secular Humanist can not have a basis in morality without a god. I say that is one of the biggest lies told to Humans. The rules like the "Ten Commandments" are partially derived from Humanist values. All religious values have their roots in Humanist values, and not the other way around. How do I know this to be true? There are thousands of religions on the Earth, and only one Humanity.

Personally, I would like to see every Human abandon religion as harmful baggage from our primitive pre-human past. That's right, pre-human is the source of religion. The beliefs in spirits and gods by humans is an artifact of when pre-humans didn't have a clue about anything beyond the barest knowledge to keep oneself alive. To them everything had a spirit in it because they didn't understand the true nature of things. Their newly emerged cerebral cortex, with its amazing ability to process information and take many items of information and form hypotheses, had to use the very little knowledge of the universe they had to figure things out best they could. The belief in spirits resulted and has been the default position for when Humans run against a roadblock in understanding ever since.

I wonder if there is another split in our species happening. Use your mind's eye and imagine. Many eons ago there was only one. Not human, and not ape or chimp, there was a species that preceded us and them. They did not have the kinds of thoughts we have because their brain was different than ours. Also, we can not think another being's thoughts for them, but we can say with assurance that those beings did not have the understanding of the universe we Humans have today. Their understanding was, for the lack of a better word, "animalistic", and that is the way they acted to survive. It worked.

Then there was that evolutionary split. The Humans and the apes were formed out of the previous one, and supplanted them. As we walk through our imaginary past time, I can imagine that there was a time when it was only a few years beyond that split. The Human cerebral cortex had formed into complexity, but yet the Humans didn't even know how to start a fire, or chip a stone. Their understanding was still stuck in the animalistic because that is all they had from the beginning. Religion is a part of that animalistic ignorance of the true nature of the universe. An effort to explain that which has not yet been explained. For a long time that animalistic explanation of the universe worked good enough to advance Humans to a point, then it starts to fail.

That failure of the animalistic notion of gods and spirits is a natural consequence of Humanity gaining knowledge of the true nature of the universe. A problem arises when the Humans stubbornly fail to lay away the archaic notions of a spirit world, which are a part of our animal origins.

Then we have Humans like this guy Dennis Hastert. He is fully immersed into the animal nature of Humanity. He is representative of the new split in Humanity. On one side of it are people like him, and other far right wing nutz, and people of all religions who believe in spirits and gods. On the other side are people like Secular Humanists and other people who rely on logic, reason and factual knowledge to form a picture of the universe. On one side primitive/animalistic thinkers, and on the other side advanced/enlightened thinkers.

It seems that the primitives have sided with the Republican party and chosen that as their standard. The advanced thinking Humans seem to have rightfully gravitated to progressive, liberal, Democratic Socialist values. One day far into the future their descendants, if they have any, will be looked upon by our descendants with the same interest we look upon chimps and monkeys today.

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