Saturday, April 16, 2016

Cap & Eliminate Carbon

I believe the carbon tax is an ineffective compromise between pandering politicians and the fossil fuels industry. We don't need Cap & Trade. We need Cap & Eliminate. No more carbon trading.

Just like the old CAFE standards, we need to set standards on the efficiency and means of electrical production. Our civilization should mandate that electrical power production be given over to green energy methods, and set time limits on that.

Within 10 years, 50% of electrical capacity be given over to green energy production methods, or reduce electrical production by an amount that would cause an equal lowering of total carbon emissions.

Within 15 years, 75% of electrical capacity be given over to green energy production methods, or reduce electrical production by an amount that would cause an equal lowering of total carbon emissions.

Within 20 years, 100% of electrical capacity be given over to green energy production methods, or reduce electrical production by an amount that would cause an equal lowering of total carbon emissions.

Example: A power plant uses 1000 tons of coal to produce 1000 gigawatts of electrical power. At the end of 10 years the power plant should be producing 500 gigawatts with 500 tons of coal, and 500 gigawatts with solar or wind.

If they are unable to meet the standard they would have to lower their coal usage to meet the lowered carbon emission standard. Say they only are producing 250 gigawatts of clean energy at the end of 10 years instead of 500. The power plant would still only be allowed to burn 500 tons of coal for power production, so they would have to reduce their wattage output, and/or import power to make up the difference. No importing power from across international borders allowed unless it can be proven to be from clean energy sources.

Cap & Trade gives reason to scheme and connive. Our planet needs real action, urgently. Force the switch to clean energy.

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