Monday, November 27, 2017

Trump is Master of Doublespeak

Please keep in mind one thing when reading or hearing anything Trump says. He is an expert at "doublespeak". 

Take this recent tweet by Trump regarding the CFPB. Trump said that the agency was "...unable to properly serve the public." He isn't using the word "serve" as in to perform duties or services for people. He is using the word as in to mean serve up for consumption.

Doublespeak Trump
Yeah, I bet the financial institutions have been devastated by the fact that they could no longer feast off an unsuspecting public. Don't forget that the public was devastated by financial institutions in 2008, which prompted Congress to form the CFPB.

Trump minces words all the time. Many, if not all, of his base following are fooled all the time too! Remember when he was on the campaign trail? Trump said "What the hell do you have to lose?" Many people thought he meant one thing, but I have a different interpretation of his words. In my mind he was trying to take inventory of the loot and plunder he might gain for himself and his pals.

Don't think for a moment that anything coming from him has altruistic meaning or purpose. He is manipulating the people and using doublespeak to do it.

#DoublespeakTrump #InsincereTrump #LiarTrump #GreedyTrump

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