Thursday, August 17, 2017

White Supremacists are Being Duped Into Working for $2 per Hr

This is a public service message for people who are supporting the white supremacists movement. Warning! You are being fooled! Please listen.

We're going to talk about jobs. About $2 an hour jobs. First though we're going to have to visit the humanitarian aspect of it. Do you realize what you're defending? Do you have any idea what slavery was all about? I think you need to revisit the horrors of slavery. I wish the spirit of Christmas Past could come visit you and take you back a few hundred years. You could watch as a family slept peacefully. Then other people burst into their home and violently put hands upon them, and kidnapped them. Then after being shackled, were bound up and taken away across the ocean to work. To be sold off like cattle to the highest bidder that person had to endure. Then a miserable life as a slave. I wish you could be placed inside their body for a time so you could suffer their suffering. Then if you can still defend a system of government that condones slavery, then you can't be a very good of a person! The same goes with the horrors of the holocaust. Anyone who would promote that kind of thing must have a sickness of the heart.

A lot of people have things confused. This has little to do with the right to free speech. The pundits will tell you that it does, but that distracts from the basic beliefs of those systems. What the purveyors of hate won't admit is what it has really to do with. The important thing. It is the return of two systems of government, Confederates and Nazi, that promote the enslavement and/or mass murder of human beings. They use archaic notions of racial superiority to appeal to them with impoverished egos, or who are bullies. They have been trying to sanitize their systems for many decades. The monuments are a part of that sanitization. Our people fought the Civil War then WWII in order to rid ourselves of those barbaric systems of government. Many millions of people died, civilian and soldier, to stop their heinous crimes against humanity.

Everyone needs to have the images of their ancestors reviewed. Say everyone just gave up and allowed Confederates and Nazi ideas to flourish. The end result of it would be putting people into slavery, and rebuilt concentration camps with piles of burnt bodies. Good people do not want that to happen.

Also, a whole lot of the people acting out with a Nazi salute would be considered mongrels if they were placed in front a racial purity board in Nazi Germany. I seen that a lot of people acting out seem to have Scottish or Irish ancestry. They are people who have forgotten their identity. Cultural genocide was committed on their people successfully. They have forgotten that their ancestors were enslaved by the Romans. They can't remember how the British imposed their will upon them, and enslaved them, and raped their women. Listen up! You're on the wrong team.

Slavery should be an issue with a lot of you because of jobs. A lot of people who voted for Trump, voted for jobs. A lot of the people who are white supremacists support Trump. One of the reasons some people go the way of the supremacists is because they are not doing very well economically. The system doesn't seem to be working very well for them. They have bills to pay, but work isn't steady. They keep falling further and further behind, so they seek to find a system that might work better for them. They get scooped up by the white supremacists movement. So what if no one tells them the truth? Say that the Nazi and Confederate system flourished again. They grew in power and people. Then some people were put into slavery once again. Now you have free people competing with slaves for the available jobs. You know that is a wage depressor.

Now you're looking for a job so you can feed your kids and keep a roof over their heads. Someone would tell you they'll give you $2 dollars an hour to unload trucks everyday for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, take it or leave it. If you leave it, they go hire a slave from somebody who made a business out of renting out human beings. That was a big issue even in Thomas Jefferson's day. There were people then who didn't give a hoot about the person being a slave. What they cared about was competing with a slave for a job.

I think you supporters of the white supremacists, and all the others, need to reevaluate the situation. You're being duped. You should be angry about that being duped, instead of some monument to barbarism going down. In the end you'll be competing with some poor person forced into slavery for a job.

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