Thursday, August 24, 2017

A Crisis of No Leadership in the White House

Trump is a businessman, not a politician. That's one of his (our) biggest problems.

In business, if you're very rich, people kiss your ass trying to get a deal. When you have employees (they kiss your ass too), and you don't like one of them, you can fire them on a whim. Just make up some bogus excuse, or live in a "right to work" state. You have little to fear from a wrongful termination lawsuit. Most workers are ignorant of the law, and just move on. If you have a problem with them like say, they refuse to break the law for you, just fire them.

That is the environment in which Trump thrives. That is the environment in which Trump developed. A lot of people voted for him because "He's a good businessman." There are good businessmen and bad ones too! The people who voted for him for his business acumen were wrong. Trump is a bad businessman who always deals in bad faith with them he does business with. Just cast an unbiased eye on his record and this will bear out.

Where are the leadership skills we expect to be used by the president? I don't see them anywhere. Instead, I see firings, bullying, lying, threats and empty promises. We are not only having a crisis of morality in the White House, but also a crisis of leadership. Because of Trump's lack of leadership skills and his method of doing business or "deal" making, we have a lame duck president who is alienating the GOP and is eroding his base because of unfulfilled promises. Becoming a lame duck is usually reserved for the second term, not for a president who hasn't even completed his first year in office.

Examine Trump's record so far. He definitely is bothered by the fact that Republican Congresspersons are not lining up with puckered lips to plant one on his fat ass. He has fired or at least tried to fire, anyone who causes him a problem. Now because he had promised a wall to his base, and can't get the GOP to fall in line, he starts with the threats to shut down the government.

Where are the leadership skills we expect to be used by the president? I don't see them anywhere. Instead, I see firings, bullying, lying, threats and empty promises. We are not only having a crisis of morality in the White House, but also a crisis of leadership. Because of Trump's lack of leadership skills, and his method of doing business or "deal" making, we have a lame duck president who is alienating the GOP and is eroding his base because of unfulfilled promises. Becoming a lame duck is usually reserved for the second term, not for a president who hasn't even completed his first year in office.

I don't like Pence very much, but I would be happy to see him take Trump's place in the White House. Even though Pence has a lot of right wing ideas I don't approve of, I doubt he has criminal intent. I doubt he would cause our nation so much damage. I think Pence has the leadership skills Trump lacks.

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