by James Parks
It seems like humanity has amnesia a lot of the time. Always repeating the same mistakes. I think one humongous mistake our nation made was canceling the Apollo program, and not intensifying the push for a permanent human presence off world. When Nixon canceled Apollo, it caused the United States to start regressing.
I read that now scientists have found real liquid water on mars. The rovers have found [metallic meteorites on the surface of Mars] that have been collecting for billions of years. There is [large quantities of water on the moon]. We know there are [asteroids with large quantities of platinum group metals] and other useful elements. [Google the words in brackets] for more information.
It is like it is beckoning us. When president Kennedy made his speech that led to the first human foot prints on the moon, human technology wasn't advanced enough to do it. So we created the technology. Now we do have the technology.
Please consider this my progressive brothers and sisters.
Humanity really needs to start exploiting and colonizing Mars soon. The $16 trillion the people used to bail out Wall Street could of provided 91 Apollo size projects, start to finish.
Do you think Apollo times 91 would equal Human Civilization on Mars, and 10's of millions of jobs for the people? What about setting us up for mining the asteroid belt? My rough estimate is 34 million jobs if it all went like Apollo. Apollo provided 400,000 at its peak. With 34 million we could farm jobs out to other countries who need it, and not effect our employment at all. During the height of the recession there were 12 million unemployed. We could be mining asteroids for platinum group metals, and other resources like water for hydrogen/oxygen fuel to refuel satellites and spacecraft.
In 2009, NASA held a symposium on project costs which presented an estimate of the Apollo program costs in 2005 dollars as roughly $170 billion. This included all research and development costs; the procurement of 15 Saturn V rockets, 16 Command/Service Modules, 12 Lunar Modules, plus program support and management costs; construction expenses for facilities and their upgrading, and costs for flight operations. This was based on a Congressional Budget Office report, A Budgetary Analysis of NASA's New Vision for Space, September 2004. The Space Review estimated in 2010 the cost of Apollo from 1959 to 1973 as $20.4 billion, or $109 billion in 2010 dollars.
So what do we do with it? How about 91 times the above effort to jump start our economy into the next century? Okay so it wouldn't be exactly like this, but this is merely an example. 1365 Saturn V rockets, 1456 Command/Service Modules, 1092 Lunar Modules, plus 91 times the program support and management costs; construction expenses for facilities and their upgrading, and costs for flight operations. But that isn't all.
Instead of what we got for $16 trillion bailing out billionaires, which was nothing, we would have full employment, a highly educated populous, accelerated technological advancement, a permanent human presence on the moon, Mars and in the asteroid belt. Most importantly, humanity would at last have the key to true equality, an economy built on unlimited resources instead of scarcity.
I think this may be the answer to an old question. Once progressives take control of the government, how do you cause equality? Once we have the reins of power, how best to steer a course for the future of human well being and fair distribution of the wealth? I don't think humanity will ever be able to do that in a closed system of resources.
Humanity has resources, but their distribution is uneven throughout human society because they are scarce. Because the resources are scarce, people tend to hoard the wealth. They go to war over the worlds wealth. It's a survival tactic. The only way to break that cycle is to have an open system of resources. Then we could have an economy based on abundance instead of scarcity. There would be no need to hoard food, energy, metals and other items, or to go to war over them.
The only way to have an open system economy is for humanity to spread their presence and culture throughout the solar system. To utilize the virtually inexhaustible abundance of our planetary neighborhood, including the resources of the asteroid belt, of course. Any person who keeps up with technology knows humanity has the technological skills to do this. I know we have the facilities to do this. I've seen them and worked in them in the military and commercial aircraft industry. I know this can be done now at long last. It would solve many problems, and assure the survival of the human species. Waiting another ten years or 15 years will not due.
If the United States of America and its people can commit $16 trillion to the bailing out of banks, and Wall Street billionaires, our civilization can commit the same effort to a real solution to our economic problems. It is great that we want to put $1 trillion into the rebuilding of the infrastructure. It desperately needs it, and that would provide for many jobs. I think there will come a time when our nation will get done playing catch up, and then not so many people will be needed for maintenance. If we go ahead and grit our teeth and expand civilization off world, that end of infrastructure building would never arrive. I think it could cause something like a golden era of human civilization.
If you think this is viable, please promote it.
New York Times:
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Friday, September 4, 2015
An Open Letter to Bernie Sanders About our Future
by James Parks
This is an open letter to our good leader, Bernie Sanders. May he find it.
Dear Mr. Sanders,
I'm writing this letter to you confident that you listen to the voters/citizens of this nation, and use reason and logic when you come to a decision to support something or not to lend support. I'm confident that you will come to a conclusion that is of interest to the common good.
As you say, unemployment among our youth of all races in this country is abysmal. While big corporations buy politicians with the end goal of sending our jobs overseas, our youth languish in poverty, and have no hope for the future! This situation causes them to lose hope, and become susceptible to drug abuse, gang initiation or even worse, to join terrorists groups and commit acts of violence.
I believe the idea of putting millions of Americans to work rebuilding our infrastructure is a worthy cause, and would go very far in relieving the unemployment burden we have today. Also the idea of making community college in this nation tuition free is an excellent way to reinvigorate our competitiveness in the world's market. Our youth would have hope because they could get a proper education, and then start out on their own with the tools to make America great, knowledge. They also would contribute mightily to the economy because they wouldn't be saddled with overbearing debt!
Given all of that, I think we need added variables into the equation. There will come a time when our people will have caught up with the rebuilding of the infrastructure. From that point in time, it will not take so many people to maintain the infrastructure, or build additions. What then?
I found this posted at
“Space Exploration: Bernie supports NASA’s mission and is generally in favor of increasing funding for NASA, but only after the needs of Americans on Earth are first met. “
I ask you to reconsider your opinion given the following information.
During the banking crisis the treasury made $16 trillion in low interest loans to the very banks that caused the problem in the first place. It cost our nation $176 billion (2009 dollars) for the cost of Apollo and other space related things in the time frame of 1962 to 1972. $16 trillion could of supported 91 times the NASA effort had back during the 1962-1972 space effort.
At its peak, the Apollo program employed 400,000 Americans and required the support of over 20,000 industrial firms and universities. 400,000 X 91 = 36,400,000 jobs
12 million persons were unemployed in 2009 at the peak of the recession. I hope you see where I'm going with this. We were taken to the cleaners big time by corrupt politicians, and Wall Street criminals. Our nation spent all that money, fiat money, and got precious little in return.
Consider this, a report states that development of SLS through its first flight in 2017, the ground systems for that effort, and the first two Orion flights in 2017 and 2021 are estimated by NASA to cost between $19-22 billion as follows: SLS, $7.7-8.6 billion; ground systems, $2.8-3.1 billion; and Orion., $8.5-10.3 billion.
US Government Bailout Guarantees $16.9 trillion Includes guarantees from US Treasury, Federal Reserve and other US government agencies.
If I take the high number from NASA and use it to divide $16.9 trillion, I get 768 Orion projects. When I take that into consideration, and look back at what the Apollo program did for our nation. There is no arguing the point of if the Apollo Program did our nation any good. Of that there is no doubt! From my prospective, I see millions of jobs, accelerated advancement in technology, and a lot of sociological/economic problems solved.
Just imagine the jobs that would create! All that stuff needs skilled hands to build it. Educated hands.
The financial institutions that were bailed out would have reaped the benefits too! All them people working in factories building the space infrastructure of the 21st century would be needing savings accounts and checking accounts. All them newly employed people would of been buying houses, instead of losing them to predatory lending practices.
When president Kennedy made his historic speech, we didn't have the technology to get to the Moon. Then before the decade was over as that visionary wished it to be, humans were walking on the moon. At the same time our economy was booming, and a golden era of technological progress commenced like the world has never known! Part of it was because of war, the other was because of the space program. Now we don't have a war, but we do have the technology to put giant space stations in orbit. To build huge rockets to lift heavy loads into orbit. To get back to the Moon, and start industry to exploit space resources. To mine asteroids to provide for that new industry. To go claim Mars, and use it for the good of all humanity. It is all there for us, and we have the means to accomplish this worthy task. We only need the political will, and a leader who will lead us into that future we thought we had coming, but lost.
You've read stories of World War II. You've seen video of the actual battles. All of that was built by people working long and hard in factories, and getting paid to do it. We had a terrible enemy to face down, and so we have an enemy today, greed and poverty. It will take the same dedication as it did back then. It will be hard too. Sacrifices will have to be made by us all. Tragedy will have to be endured! Still we can do it.
The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 was 7 years ago already. Could you imagine what things would be like if our nation had of put all that $16 trillion into 91 Apollo size programs, with the training, and people employed, etc. etc.?
It is time Humans do this. Time to industrialize and colonize our solar system. This is an open-ended project, with unlimited returns. It will solve problems both social, and economic.
The efforts we need to build a new society, whose industry is based on the unlimited potential of exploiting the cosmos, can still be had. We can avoid the further economic enslavement of humanity by greedy, self serving people if we take all of the actions you have promoted so energetically. With all your solutions, and the exploitation of the moon, Mars the asteroid belt, orbital solar generating stations and factories. All the quarters that the newly educated, and highly skilled citizens will need while off world. Supplies and all manner of products would be needed by our new colonies on the moon and Mars, so our economy would follow humanity and grow. It would be an economy based on unlimited abundance, instead of one based on scarcity. An economy based on scarcity breeds a lot of the trouble that face our world. Poverty, greed, avarice and worst of all, war.
Please reconsider your position concerning our efforts in space.
James E Parks Jr
Retired Aerospace Worker
This is an open letter to our good leader, Bernie Sanders. May he find it.
Dear Mr. Sanders,
I'm writing this letter to you confident that you listen to the voters/citizens of this nation, and use reason and logic when you come to a decision to support something or not to lend support. I'm confident that you will come to a conclusion that is of interest to the common good.
As you say, unemployment among our youth of all races in this country is abysmal. While big corporations buy politicians with the end goal of sending our jobs overseas, our youth languish in poverty, and have no hope for the future! This situation causes them to lose hope, and become susceptible to drug abuse, gang initiation or even worse, to join terrorists groups and commit acts of violence.
I believe the idea of putting millions of Americans to work rebuilding our infrastructure is a worthy cause, and would go very far in relieving the unemployment burden we have today. Also the idea of making community college in this nation tuition free is an excellent way to reinvigorate our competitiveness in the world's market. Our youth would have hope because they could get a proper education, and then start out on their own with the tools to make America great, knowledge. They also would contribute mightily to the economy because they wouldn't be saddled with overbearing debt!
Given all of that, I think we need added variables into the equation. There will come a time when our people will have caught up with the rebuilding of the infrastructure. From that point in time, it will not take so many people to maintain the infrastructure, or build additions. What then?
I found this posted at
“Space Exploration: Bernie supports NASA’s mission and is generally in favor of increasing funding for NASA, but only after the needs of Americans on Earth are first met. “
I ask you to reconsider your opinion given the following information.
During the banking crisis the treasury made $16 trillion in low interest loans to the very banks that caused the problem in the first place. It cost our nation $176 billion (2009 dollars) for the cost of Apollo and other space related things in the time frame of 1962 to 1972. $16 trillion could of supported 91 times the NASA effort had back during the 1962-1972 space effort.
At its peak, the Apollo program employed 400,000 Americans and required the support of over 20,000 industrial firms and universities. 400,000 X 91 = 36,400,000 jobs
12 million persons were unemployed in 2009 at the peak of the recession. I hope you see where I'm going with this. We were taken to the cleaners big time by corrupt politicians, and Wall Street criminals. Our nation spent all that money, fiat money, and got precious little in return.
Consider this, a report states that development of SLS through its first flight in 2017, the ground systems for that effort, and the first two Orion flights in 2017 and 2021 are estimated by NASA to cost between $19-22 billion as follows: SLS, $7.7-8.6 billion; ground systems, $2.8-3.1 billion; and Orion., $8.5-10.3 billion.
US Government Bailout Guarantees $16.9 trillion Includes guarantees from US Treasury, Federal Reserve and other US government agencies.
If I take the high number from NASA and use it to divide $16.9 trillion, I get 768 Orion projects. When I take that into consideration, and look back at what the Apollo program did for our nation. There is no arguing the point of if the Apollo Program did our nation any good. Of that there is no doubt! From my prospective, I see millions of jobs, accelerated advancement in technology, and a lot of sociological/economic problems solved.
Just imagine the jobs that would create! All that stuff needs skilled hands to build it. Educated hands.
The financial institutions that were bailed out would have reaped the benefits too! All them people working in factories building the space infrastructure of the 21st century would be needing savings accounts and checking accounts. All them newly employed people would of been buying houses, instead of losing them to predatory lending practices.
When president Kennedy made his historic speech, we didn't have the technology to get to the Moon. Then before the decade was over as that visionary wished it to be, humans were walking on the moon. At the same time our economy was booming, and a golden era of technological progress commenced like the world has never known! Part of it was because of war, the other was because of the space program. Now we don't have a war, but we do have the technology to put giant space stations in orbit. To build huge rockets to lift heavy loads into orbit. To get back to the Moon, and start industry to exploit space resources. To mine asteroids to provide for that new industry. To go claim Mars, and use it for the good of all humanity. It is all there for us, and we have the means to accomplish this worthy task. We only need the political will, and a leader who will lead us into that future we thought we had coming, but lost.
You've read stories of World War II. You've seen video of the actual battles. All of that was built by people working long and hard in factories, and getting paid to do it. We had a terrible enemy to face down, and so we have an enemy today, greed and poverty. It will take the same dedication as it did back then. It will be hard too. Sacrifices will have to be made by us all. Tragedy will have to be endured! Still we can do it.
The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 was 7 years ago already. Could you imagine what things would be like if our nation had of put all that $16 trillion into 91 Apollo size programs, with the training, and people employed, etc. etc.?
It is time Humans do this. Time to industrialize and colonize our solar system. This is an open-ended project, with unlimited returns. It will solve problems both social, and economic.
The efforts we need to build a new society, whose industry is based on the unlimited potential of exploiting the cosmos, can still be had. We can avoid the further economic enslavement of humanity by greedy, self serving people if we take all of the actions you have promoted so energetically. With all your solutions, and the exploitation of the moon, Mars the asteroid belt, orbital solar generating stations and factories. All the quarters that the newly educated, and highly skilled citizens will need while off world. Supplies and all manner of products would be needed by our new colonies on the moon and Mars, so our economy would follow humanity and grow. It would be an economy based on unlimited abundance, instead of one based on scarcity. An economy based on scarcity breeds a lot of the trouble that face our world. Poverty, greed, avarice and worst of all, war.
Please reconsider your position concerning our efforts in space.
James E Parks Jr
Retired Aerospace Worker
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